
Released July 28, 2023 so it's still fresh
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#endlight #endlight #endlight
excuse the noise
we're doing gods work
Award IndieCade 2020
Award TGS 2020
Award Eurogamer 2013
Award Unity GDC 2018
I won't lie to you.
We don't care about this website.
No-one reads it.
I have no idea how you found it.
Shhh... don't speak... it will be our secret.

Anything new is on Steam or Twitter.
Did you read our launch announcement?
How about our detailed FAQ?
They are things of rare beauty.

July 2024

Season 15 just released. IT'S INCREDIBLE! I know I say that a lot but the fact is I'm incredible. Endlight's first birthday is almost upon us. Beware... there is talk of celebrations.

You're preparing for Dec. 9, 2024 right? The infamous once-a-year "Right To Replay" challenge where you have one chance to win the ability to replay Endlight. In the history of videogames there has never been a greater prize.

June 2024

Seasons 11 (March), 12, 13 and 14 (June) just released and they are INCREDIBLE!!! I use that word a lot and it's always somehow true! Endlight shipped with 4 seasons (100 levels) and now has 14 (350 levels). How do we do it? I don't know.

Our monthly Endlight Reddit Sales Series continues. Spoiler: Endlight sales are slowly, very slowly, extremely slowly approaching a million dollars. The comments say Endlight will never sell, that we're delusional, and that we should move on. Either Redditors give up too easily, or they build games very quickly.

Season 15 (July) and 16 July (August) are complete and installed (time locked). They are the best seasons yet. Maybe we should have started with them? Additionally, the Final Four Seasons are shaping up to be utterly impenetrable, magnificently indecipherable and gorgeously incomprehensible. They will cause you to rethink what chaos and excitement are, and finally convince you to leave the house and buy those high heels you've had your eye on.

July 2023

Marvel at these awesome words from PCGamer. "The deeper I dug into Endlight, though, the more I found it to be a remarkably engaging, surprising, and unexpectedly funny game - and one that I will (probably) never be able to play again." Andy Chalk is the only human who gets Endlight. Maybe you'll join him. Maybe you'll return to TOTK.

Digest this heartfelt Steam Manifesto posted by "l74squirrels" - easily Endlight's greatest fan who we absolutely 100% failed. "Overall, I preferred the game when it was a trance-like endurance challenge of skill, not a mostly easy, repetitive, time wasting, indulgent, sometimes impossible game with all of its best features fragmented and mixed in with a bunch of rubbish." Sorry Squirrels (all 174 of you), hopefully someday someone will create the Endlight of your dreams... and hopefully your filthy gremlin housemate will save you from Voldemore.

Look, you need to buy Endlight. Not only will it be the best game you ever played, it will cure all sickness in your body.

"What's Endlight?"
Only the greatest game ever made. We removed everything that gets in the way of modern gaming enjoyment. Surprisingly, there was still something left. That something was cubes. So. Many. Cubes.

The bulk of the game takes place inside jaw dropping structures. Fly through twisting intricate corridors, smashing where necessary (and it's always necessary). Each level has a custom procedural generator, producing epic yet different results. It's not always fair to you, it's not always fair to the game, but that's what makes it exciting.

1 player
450+ inside levels
50+ outside levels
Surprise Chats

Nothing matters except getting 10 hoops. Easy to say, harder to understand. Once you get 10 hoops, the level ends. It doesn't matter how long you took. It doesn't matter how far you travelled. Get 10 hoops and the level ends. Nothing sweeter than getting 10 hoops in 10 seconds and completing the level. You'll see.

After all that smashing you've earned a break and can finally go outside. You're free to fly anywhere, nothing can harm you. Find 5 hoops at your leisure. Sometimes it's "Where's Waldo".

We also shoehorned in a superfluous narrative. Surprise Chats appear when you least expect, relating the worst story in videogame history. Given the stiff competition (every videogame ever made), this was extremely challenging - but we did it!